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  5. Podcast Player Shortcode

Podcast Player Shortcode

A shortcode in WordPress is a small piece of code, surrounded by square brackets (e.g. [shortcode]), that you can add to your posts, pages, or other content types to display dynamic content. Shortcodes are a way of “packaging” complex functionality into a simple, reusable code snippet.

For example, podcast player plugin provides a shortcode that displays your desired podcast. To use the shortcode, you simply add it to your content where you want the content to appear. The shortcode is then replaced by the dynamic content when the page is displayed.

Here are the steps to add a shortcode to a WordPress post or page:

  • Edit a post or page: Go to Posts > Add New or Pages > Add New in the WordPress dashboard to create a new post or edit an existing one.
  • Add the shortcode: In the WordPress editor, place your cursor where you want the shortcode to appear, and then add the shortcode by typing or pasting the following into the editor.
[podcastplayer feed_url="YOUR_FEED_URL"]  

In the above code, replace YOUR_FEED_URL with your actual feed url.

  • Save or publish: When you’re done, click the “Publish” or “Update” button to save your changes and make your content live.

Customize podcast player shortcode

You can optionally add other attributes to your shortcode to customize the player. An example is as follows,

[podcastplayer feed_url="YOUR_FEED_URL" attribute="ATTRIBUTE_VALUE"]
  • All available shortcode attributes and their expected values are provided in the table below. You can enter as many attributes as required in the shortcode.
  • An example for the podcast player shortcode with attributes is as follows,
[podcastplayer feed_url="https://easypodcastpro.com/feed/podcast" display_style="modern" accent_color="#347657" number="5"]

Podcast player shortcode Attributes

For advanced setup, there are many shortcode parameters you can use to customise display of your podcast player. Shortcode parameters mentioned in above example is just for demonstration purpose. You may NOT need to use all of the parameters mentioned in below table, just use whatever is required to achieve a particular customization.

Complete list of parameters is as below,

Minimum required attributes

AttributeDefault ValueDescription
feed_urlYour podcast feed url

Customize Podcast Content

AttributeDefault ValueDescription
cover_image_urlYour Podcast’s cover image url
podcast_menuAny WordPress menu’s name, ID OR slug
main_menu_items0Number of primary menu items for which badge or button is to be displayed.
number10Number of podcasts episodes to be displayed at a time
excerpt_length18Excerpt length (only with default and premium display style)

Podcast Subscription Links

AttributeDefault ValueDescription
apple_subApple podcast subscription link
google_subGoogle podcast subscription link
spotify_subSpotify podcast subscription link
breaker_subBreaker subscription link
castbox_subCastbox subscription link
castro_subCastro subscription link
iheart_subiHeart subscription link
overcast_subOvercast subscription link
castbox_subCastbox subscription link
pocketcasts_subPocketcasts subscription link
podcastaddict_subPodcastaddict subscription link
podchaser_subPodchaser subscription link
radiopublic_subRadiopublic subscription link
soundcloud_subSoundcloud subscription link
stitcher_subStitcher subscription link
tunein_subTunein subscription link
youtube_subYouTube subscription link
bullhorn_subBullHorn subscription link
podbean_subPodbean subscription link
playerfm_subPlayerFM subscription link

Show / Hide Player Items

AttributeDefault ValueDescription
header_defaultfalseShow player header items by default
list_defaultfalseDisplay Episodes list by default on small screen
hide_headerfalseHide player header items
hide_titlefalseShow / Hide podcast Title in header info section
hide_coverfalseShow / Hide podcast cover image
hide_descriptionfalseShow / Hide podcast description
hide_subscribefalseShow / Hide podcast subscribe button
hide_searchfalseShow / Hide podcast search field
hide_authorfalseShow / Hide author/podcaster’s name
hide_contentfalseShow / Hide podcast episode’s content
hide_loadmorefalseShow / Hide podcast load more button
hide_downloadfalseShow/ Hide podcast episode download link
hide_socialfalseShow/ Hide podcast episode social sharing links
hide_featuredfalseHide podcast episode featured image (Value: true OR false)

Podcast player styling

AttributeDefault ValueDescription
accent_color#65b84fPodcast player’s accent color hexcode
display_stylePodcast player display style. Options:
” (for default view OR do not use this attribute),
legacy (for legacy view), modern (for Modern Layout)

Sort & Filter options

AttributeDefault ValueDescription
sortbysort_date_descSort episodes
(Available options: sort_date_desc, sort_date_asc, sort_title_desc, sort_title_asc)
filterbyFilter by any string in episode’s title
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